Tailings, Efluents, Mining, Reology Analysis (TEMRA) is part of Kest Group, which was born in 2021, to provide laboratory testing services in rheology and solid - liquid separation for the mining sector.
In November 2022, it was established as a legal entity, with the objective of becoming, in the medium term, a research center in the natural sciences, applying multidisciplinary and circular economy knowledge in the areas of riverside defenses, mining-metallurgy, and construction.
Since our beginning, we have collaborated with construction companies in the main river defense projects, thus developing a trajectory that allows us to undertake new challenges: Being a source of innovation and development proposals that contribute to the care of the environment, from our location in the central area of Peru towards the different projects of mining, construction and industrial companies.

Develop innovation through testing
laboratory in the fields of
natural sciences and materials
contribute to the development of knowledge
of engineering with a focus
of sustainability.
Become the center
I+D+i of Peru with scope
Temra Training Values
are confidence, punctuality and
innovation that we seek to be
adopted by our collaborators.